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2024-2025 Featured Research Publications

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Putting the soil health principles to the test in Iowa

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Contour prairie strips alter microbial communities and functioning both below and in adjacent cropland soils

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Decompaction and organic amendments provide short-term improvements in soil health during urban, residential development

Selected Research Publications  (for full list see Google Scholar page)

McDaniel, M.D., T. A. Middleton. 2024. Putting the soil health principles to the test in Iowa. Soil Science Society of America Journal.

McDaniel, M.D., G.L. Thompson, P. Sauer. 2024. Decompaction and organic amendments provide short-term improvements in soil health during urban, residential development. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 79(4), 169-179. 

​Dutter, C.R., C.E. Rutkoski, S.E. Evans, M.D. McDaniel. 2024. Contour prairie strips alter microbial communities and functioning both below and in adjacent cropland soils. Applied Soil Ecology 199, 105424. 

Nelson, J.T., T.A. Adjuik, E.B. Moore, A.D. VanLoocke, A. Ramirez Reyes, M.D. McDaniel. 2023. A simple, affordable, do-it-yourself method for measuring soil maximum water holding capacity. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 00, 1-15. 

Cano Camacho, V., S.W. Potter, M.D. McDaniel, M.A. Licht. 2023. Impact of biological seed treatments on maize (Zea mays L.) and soil: I. Crop growth and yield. Agronomy Journal, 00, 1-13. 

Potter, S.W., C. Kin, S.J. Hall, J.E. Sawyer, M.D. McDaniel. 2023. Field-applying an inexpensive, 13C-depleted, labile carbon source to study in-situ fate and short-term effects on soils. Plant Nutrition & Soil Science 186 (4), 428-440. 

Dutter, C., L.A. Damiano, J. Niemi, B.A. Miller, L.A. Schulte, M. Liebman, M.J. Helmers, R.M. Cruse, M.D. McDaniel. 2023. Contour prairie strips affect adjacent soil but have only slight effects on crops. Field Crops Research 296, 108905. 

McDaniel, M.D., J.A. Bird, J. Pett-Ridge, E. Marin-Spiotta, T.M. Schmidt, A.S. Grandy. 2022. Diversifying and perennializing plants in agroecosystems alters retention of new C and N from crop residues. Ecological Applications e2784. 

Kapayou, D.G., E.M. Herrighty, C. Gish Hill, V. Cano Camacho, A. Nair, D.M. Winham, M.D. McDaniel. 2022. Reuniting the Three Sisters: Collaborative science with Native growers to improve soil and community health. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-18.


De, M., J.E. Sawyer, M.D. McDaniel. 2022. Crude glycerol, a biodiesel byproduct, as a soil amendment to temporarily immobilize and then release nitrogen. European Journal of Soil Science. 

Baldwin-Kordick, R., M. De, M.D. Lopez, M. Liebman, N. Lauter, J. Marino, M.D. McDaniel. 2022. Comprehensive impacts of diversified cropping on soil health and sustainability in the Midwestern US. Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems 43(3): 331-363. 

Middleton, T.E., A.L. McCombs, S.R. Gailans, S. Carlson, D.L. Karlen, K.J. Moore, M.Z. Liebman, T.C. Kaspar, M.M. Al-Kaisi, D.A. Laird, M.H. Wiedenhoeft, K. Delate, C.A. Cambardella, M.L. Thompson, E.A. Heaton, M.D. McDaniel. 2021. Assessing biological soil health through decomposition of inexpensive household items. Applied Soil Ecology 168. 

Weisberger, D.A., M.D. McDaniel, J.G. Arbuckle, M. Liebman. 2021. Farmer perspectives on benefits of and barriers to extended crop rotations in Iowa, USA. Agricultural and Environmental Letters 6, e20049.

Studt, J.E., M.D. McDaniel, M.D. Tejera, A. VanLoocke, A. Howe, E.A. Heaton. 2021. Soil net nitrogen mineralization and leaching under Miscanthus × giganteus and Zea mays. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 13 (9): 1545-1560. 

McDaniel, M.D., M. Hernández, M.G. Dumont, L.J. Ingram, and M.A. Adams. 2021. Disproportionate CH4 sink strength from an endemic, sub-alpine Australian soil microbial community. Microorganisms 9(3): 606.

Kallmyer, N., M. Abdennadher, S. Agarwal, R. Baldwin-Kordick, R. Khor, A. Kooistra, E. Peterson, M.D. McDaniel, N.F. Reuel. 2021. Inexpensive Near Infrared Fluorimeters: enabling translation of nIR-based assays to the field. Analytical Chemistry 93 (11): 4800-4808.

Lindsey, A.J., A.W. Thoms, M.D. McDaniel, N.E. Christians. 2021. Evaluation of humic fertilizers applied at full and reduced rates on Kentucky Bluegrass quality and soil health. Agronomy 11(2): 395. 

Simpson, Z.P., R.W. McDowell, L.M. Condron, M.D. McDaniel, H.P. Jarvie, J.M. Abell. 2021. Sediment phosphorus buffering in streams at baseflow: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Quality 50: 287–311. 

De, M., J.A. Riopel, L.J. Cihacek, M. Lawrinenko, R. Baldwin-Kordick, S.J. Hall, M.D. McDaniel.  2020.  Soil health recovery after grassland reestablishment on cropland: The effects of time and topographic position. Soil Science Society of America Journal 1-19. (DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20007)


McDaniel, M.D., D.T. Walters, L.G. Bundy, X. Li, R.A. Drijber, J.E. Sawyer, M.J. Castellano, C.A.M. Laboski, P.C. Scharf, W.R. Horwath. 2020. Combination of biological and chemical soil tests best predict maize nitrogen response. Agronomy Journal 1-16. 


Wang, H., Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, M.D. McDaniel, L. Sun, W. Su, X. Fan, S. Liu, and X. Xiao. 2020. Water-saving irrigation is a ‘win-win’management strategy in rice paddies – With both reduced greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced water use efficiency. Agricultural Water Management 228: 105889.

Moore, K.J., R.P. Anex, A.E. Elobeid, S. Fei, C.B. Flora, A.S. Goggi, K.L. Jacobs, A.L. Kaleita, P. Jha, D.A. Laird, D.L. Karlen, A.W. Lenssen, T. Lübberstedt,

M.D. McDaniel, D.R. Raman, S.L. Weyers. 2019. Regenerating agricultural landscapes with perennial groundcover for intensive crop production. Agronomy 9(8): 485, 1-35. 


McDaniel, M.D., D. Saha, M.G. Dumont, M. Hernández, M.A. Adams. 2019. The effect of land-use change on soil CH4 and N2O fluxes: A global meta-analysis. Ecosystems, 1-20. 

Charkhabi, S., A.M. Bierle, M.D. McDaniel, N.F. Reuel.  2018.  Resonant sensors for low-cost, contact-free measurement of hydrolytic enzyme activity in closed systems. American Chemical Society Sensors 3(8): 1489-1498. 


Peralta, A.L., Y. Sun, M.D. McDaniel, J.T. Lennon.  2018.  Crop rotational diversity increases disease suppressive capacity of soil microbiomes. Ecosphere 9(5): 1-16. 


Maucieri, C., Y. Zhang, M.D. McDaniel, M. Borin, M.A. Adams.  2017.  Short-term effects of biochar and salinity on soil greenhouse gas emissions from a semi-arid Australian soil after re-wetting. Geoderma 307:267-276. 


McDaniel, M.D., R.R. Simpson, B.P. Malone, A.B. McBratney, B. Minasny, M.A. Adams.  2017.  Quantifying and predicting spatio-temporal variability of soil CH4 and N2O fluxes in a seemingly homogeneous Australian agricultural field. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & the Environment 240: 182-193.


Austin, E.E., K. Wickings, M.D. McDaniel, G.P. Robertson, A.S. Grandy. 2017. Cover crop root contributions to soil carbon in a no‐till corn bioenergy cropping system. GCB Bioenergy 9:1252–1263. 


McDaniel, M.D., and A.S. Grandy. 2016. Soil microbial biomass and function are altered by 12 years of crop rotation. SOIL 2:583-589.  


McDaniel, M.D., A.S. Grandy, L.K. Tiemann, M.N. Weintraub. 2016.  Eleven years of crop diversification alters the decomposition dynamics of litter mixtures incubated in soil.  Ecosphere. 


Tiemann, L.K., A.S. Grandy, E.E. Atkinson, E. E. Marin-Spiotta, M.D. McDaniel. 2015. Crop rotational diversity enhances belowground communities and functions in an agroecosystem.  Ecology Letters 8:761-771. 


McDaniel, M.D., A.S. Grandy, L.K. Tiemann, M.N. Weintraub. 2014.  Crop rotation complexity regulates the decomposition of high and low quality residues.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry 78: 243-254. 


McDaniel, M.D., J.P. Kaye, M.W. Kaye. 2014. Do “hot moments” become hotter under climate change? Soil nitrogen dynamics from a climate manipulation experiment in a post-harvest forest. Biogeochemistry 121(2): 339-354. 


McDaniel, M.D., L.K. Tiemann, A.S. Grandy. 2014.  Does agricultural crop diversity enhance soil microbial biomass and organic matter dynamics? A meta-analysis.  Ecological Applications 24(3): 560-570. 


McDaniel, M.D., J.P. Kaye, M.W. Kaye, M.A. Bruns. 2014. Climate change interactions affect soil CO2 efflux and microbial functioning in a post-harvest forest. Oecologia 174:1437-1448. 


McDaniel, M.D., R.J. Wagner, C.R. Rollinson, B.A. Kimball, M.W. Kaye, J.P. Kaye. 2014. Microclimate and ecological threshold responses in a warming and wetting experiment following whole tree harvest.  Theoretical and Applied Climatology 116: 287-299. 


Grandy, A.S., D.S. Salam, K. Wickings, M.D. McDaniel, S.W. Culman, S.S. Snapp. 2013.  Soil respiration and litter decomposition responses to fertilization rate in no-till corn systems.  Agriculture, Ecosystems, & the Environment 179: 35-40. 


McDaniel, M.D., J.P. Kaye, M.W. Kaye. 2013.  Increased temperature and precipitation had limited effects on soil extracellular enzyme activities in a post-harvest forest.  Soil Biology & Biochemistry 56:90-98.


McDaniel, M.D., M.B. David, T.V. Royer. 2009. Relationships between benthic sediments and water column phosphorus in Illlinois streams. Journal of Environmental Quality 38:607-617. 

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