Soil-Plant Interactions in the McDaniel Lab
Marshall McDaniel marsh@iastate.edu | google scholar
Associate Professor in Soil-Plant Interactions | Agronomy Department at Iowa State University
The fearless leader, and mischief maker.
Hobbies: My spare time is spent playing guitar and bass, mtn biking, playing board games (and card games).

Reid Barker rwbarker@iastate.edu
Research Scientist
Curious about water quality, soil health/conservation, and habitat conservation.
Hobbies: hunting, fishing, gardening, and cooking.
Professional & Scientific Staff

Tim Youngquist timyoung@iastate.edu
Agricultural Specialist
Curious about water quality, perennial crops, finding space for wildlife habitat within agricultural systems.
Hobbies: native plant propagation, ecological restoration, old house preservation, chickens, time with my family.

Matt Woods mwoods@iastate.edu
Agricultural Specialist
Curious about everything agronomy.
Hobbies: music, sports, and outdoor activities.
Postdoctoral Researchers

Jared Flater jflater@iastate.edu | twitter
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.D. in Agriculture Biosystems Engineering from ISU in 2020
Curious about healthy soil microbiomes, belowground systems, improving agriculture through soil biology.
Hobbies: running (esp. long distance), hiking and camping with wife and dog, conservation/naturalism.

Cole Dutter cdutter@iastate.edu | google scholar
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.D. in Soil Science and Sustainable Agriculture from ISU 2022
Curious about cropping systems, soil health, farming externalities and sustainable agriculture.
Hobbies: beekeeping, backpacking, cycling, gardening and reading.

Toby Adjuik tadjuik@iastate.edu | google scholar | twitter
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.D. in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering from U. of Kentucky 2022
Curious about soil greenhouse fluxes, process-based and machine learning modeling, and soil amendments.
Hobbies:cooking, listening to podcasts, soccer, and working out.

Ala Khaleel akhaleel@iastate.edu | google scholar | twitter
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.D. Student in Soil Science and Environmental Science
Curious about soil health and water quality, deep soil organic C, and C & N cycling related enzymes.
Hobbies: reading, camping, hiking, birdwatching, basketball, cooking, music, piano, time with my family.

Ashani Thilakarathne ashanit@iastate.edu
Postdoctoral Researcher
Curious about sustainable agriculture, water quality, soil health, cover crops and N2O emissions.
Hobbies: reading, dancing, cooking and traveling with family.

Hyeonji Song hyeonjis@iastate.edu | google scholar
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.D. in Soil Science
Curious about soil C & N dynamics in climate change, soil and plant interactions in different cropping systems.
Hobbies: travelling, playing drum, something historical, listening to music.

Sebastian Villarino sh4@iastate.edu | google scholar
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ph.D. in Agrarian Sciences
Curious about soil organic matter, soil ecology, and agriculture sustainability.
Hobbies: camping, hiking, and listening to music.
Graduate Students

Malcolm St Cyr mystcyr@iastate.edu | twitter
M.S. in Soil Science
Curious about soil formation and fertility, and using combination to manage soil-plant interactions.
Hobbies: discovering historical figures/places by reading or traveling, watching movies/documentaries, listening to music, and having conversations.

Jessica Nelson jnelson9@iastate.edu
Ph.D. in Soil Science & Sustainable Agriculture
Curious about the plant-microbe-soil interactions, building resiliency, and producing more balanced food.
Hobbies: gardening, traveling, hiking, training, healthy food, crystal collecting, and spending time with animals.

Ally Larson aclarson@iastate.edu
M.S. in Agronomy
Curious about cover crops and the relationship between soil health and sustainable agriculture systems.
Hobbies: reading, spending time with family and friends, and anything outdoors.

Max Eness meness@iastate.edu
M.S. in Soil Science
Curious about the relationship between yield and sustainability, ag-based climate solutions and how plants influence their own environment.
Hobbies: games of all sorts, fencing, wood working and all things history.

Mila Victorio Pessotto pessotto@iastate.edu
Ph.D. in Agronomy
Curious about sustainable production systems, cover crops, soil fertility and soil health.
Hobbies: reading, barbecuing, and spending time with family and friends.

Megan Blauwet mblauwet@iastate.edu
M.S. in Soil Science
Curious about soil health, nutrient cycling, and agricultural sustainability.
Hobbies: hiking, traveling, taking care of house plants, and spending time with friends and family.

Michael Cook mlcook@iastate.edu
M.S. in Sustainable Agriculture, Soil Science
Curious about chemistry, soil fertility, mycology.
Hobbies: weightlifting, painting, cycling, guitar, and linguistics.

Summer Bjorn summ@iastate.edu
M.S. in Soil Science
Curious about nutrient cycling, carbon storage, and soil ecology.
Hobbies: playing pickleball and racquetball, weightlifting, volunteering, and playing board games with my husband.

Wyatt Bailey wjbailey@iastate.edu
M.S. in Entomology & Soil Science
Curious about sustainable cropping systems, integrated pest management, and plant-insect-soil interactions.
Hobbies: gardening, drawing, cooking, hiking, and spending time with friends and family.

Modestos Modestou modestou@iastate.edu
Ph.D. in
Curious about intercropping and soil microbes.
Hobbies: hiking, swimming, reading, traveling, and playing Backgammon.
Undergraduate Students

Marisol Argueta-Hernandez marisol1@iastate.edu
B.S. in Horticulture
Curious about sustainability and plant and floral recreation.
Hobbies: crafting, movie nights, and singing.

Grace Wetterling gracew27@iastate.edu
B.S. in Microbiology
Curious about plant, soil, and microbe interactions, the effects of cover cropping, and the future of our soils.
Hobbies: baking, cooking, reading, and puzzles.

Philip Young youngp@iastate.edu
B.S. in Agronomy
Curious about soil microbiomes in cropping systems, soil structure formation, physics of runoff, and wetland dynamics.
Hobbies: cooking, reading, gaming, and enjoying nature.

Marina Guadagnucci marinag@iastate.edu
B.S. in Agronomy
Curious about bioenergy production, commodities trading, soil health, and fertility.
Hobbies: hanging out with friends and family, painting, and cooking.

Anastasiia Hutsal hutsal@iastate.edu
B.S. in Healthcare Management
Curious about social media marketing, healthcare, and communications.
Hobbies: training animals, volunteering, and biking.

Dori Waschkat dori@iastate.edu
B.S. in Agronomy
Curious about sustainable agriculture, cropping systems, and soil health.
Hobbies: gardening, cooking, and hiking.

Alexis Brinkman abrink22@iastate.edu
B.S. in Agronomy
Curious about plant and soil interaction, as well as corn and soybean genetics.
Hobbies: painting, hunting, reading, and hanging out with friends and family.

Grace Root groot014@iastate.edu
B.S. in Agronomy
Curious about cropping systems and GMO farming.
Hobbies: sports, particularly soccer and basketball, camping, board and card games, and fishing.

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