Poster References:
1. Jessica T. Nelson, Toby A. Adjuik, E. Britt Moore, Andy D. VanLoocke, Alam Ramirez Reyes & Marshall D. McDaniel (29 Dec 2023): A Simple, Affordable, Do-It-Yourself Method for Measuring Soil Maximum Water Holding Capacity, Communications in Soil Science
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2. Jarchow, M. E., Liebman, M., Dhungel, S., Dietzel, R., Sundberg, D., Anex, R. P., Thompson, M. L., & Chua, T. (2015). Trade-offs among agronomic, energetic, and environmental performance characteristics of corn and prairie bioenergy cropping systems. Gcb Bioenergy, 7(1), 57–71.
3. Tejera, M., Boersma, N., Vanloocke, A., Archontoulis, S., Dixon, P., Miguez, F., & Heaton, E. (2019). Multi-year and multi-site establishment of the perennial biomass crop Miscanthus× giganteus using a staggered start design to elucidate N response. BioEnergy Research, 12, 471–483.
4. Liebman, M., Gibson, L. R., Sundberg, D. N., Heggenstaller, A. H., Westerman, P. R., Chase, C. A., Hartzler, R. G., Menalled, F. D., Davis, A. S., & Dixon, P. M. (2008). Agronomic and economic performance characteristics of conventional and low-external-input cropping systems in the central Corn Belt. Agronomy Journal, 100(3), 600–610., M. M., Archontoulis, S. V., Kwaw-Mensah, D., & Miguez, F. (2015). Tillage and crop rotation effects on corn agronomic response and economic return at seven Iowa locations. Agronomy Journal, 107(4), 1411–1424.