Soil-Plant Interactions in the McDaniel Lab
Marsden Agricultural Diversification Experiment (MADE)
A long-term experiment established in 2001 near Boone, IA by Dr. Matt Liebman (Professor Emeritus in Agronomy) designed to look at how cropping system diversification and crop-livestock integration affect sustainability.​​
MADE Mission:
Conduct collaborative, cross-disciplinary research on diversified cropping systems' effect on agriculture productivity, water quality, soils, and more.
​MADE by the numbers
>40 peer-reviewed publications (see list below)
Dozens of collaborating scientists, including: weed ecologists, soil scientists, economists, microbiologist, plant pathologists, food nutritionists, crop modelers, etc..
Millions $$$ in funding over the years
MADE Vision:
Conduct cutting-edge, agronomic research that is relevant and meaningful to IA farmers by...
talking to, engaging, and listening to farmers
using farmers’ input to inform the research​
presenting research to general audiences
MADE Experimental Design
A split-plot, randomized complete block design with four main rotation treatments:
2-year: corn-soybean business-as-usual + all synthetic fertilizer
3-Year: corn-soy-oats/red clover + supplemental synthetic fertilizer
4-Year: corn-soy-oats/alfalfa-alfalfa + composted cattle manure (supplemental synthetic fertilizer)
C2 – corn – soybean
S2 – soybean – corn
C3 – corn – soybean – oat / red clover
S3 – soybean– oat / red clover – corn
O3 – oat / red clover – corn – soybean
C4 – corn – soybean – oat / alfalfa – alfalfa
S4 – soybean – oat / alfalfa – alfalfa – corn
O4 – oat / alfalfa – alfalfa – corn – soybean
A4 – alfalfa– corn – soybean – oat / alfalfa
MADE References
Baldwin-Kordick, R., M. De, M.D. Lopez, M. Liebman, N. Lauter, J. Marino, and M.D. McDaniel. 2022. Comprehensive impacts of diversified cropping
on soil health and sustainability in the Midwestern US. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.
Bay, G., C. Lee, C. Chen, N.K. Mahal, M.J.Castellano, K.S. Hofmockel, and L.J. Halverson. 2021. Agricultural management affects the active rhizosphere bacterial community composition and nitrification. mSystems 6: e00651-21.
Chen, X., X. Wang, M. Liebman, M. Cavigelli, and M. Wander. 2014. Influence of soil quality on carbon mineralization response to residue and nitrogen fertilizer additions. PLOS ONE 9(7): e103720.
Cruse, M.J., M. Liebman, D.R. Raman, and M. Wiedenhoeft. 2010. Fossil energy use in conventional and low-external-input cropping systems. Agronomy Journal 102: 934-941
Davis, A.S., J.D. Hill, C.A. Chase, A.M. Johanns, and M. Liebman. 2012. Increasing cropping system diversity balances productivity, profitability and environmental health. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47149.
Gómez, R., M. Liebman, and G. Munkvold. 2013. Weed seed decay in conventional and diversified cropping systems. Weed Research 54: 13-25.
Gómez, R., M. Liebman, D.N. Sundberg, and C.A. Chase. 2012. Comparison of crop management strategies involving crop genotype and weed management practices in conventional and more diverse cropping systems. Renewable Agriculture and Food 28: 220-233.
Heggenstaller, A.H. and M. Liebman. 2006. Demography of Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria faberi in three crop rotation systems. Weed Research 46: 138-151.
Heggenstaller, A.H., F.D. Menalled, M. Liebman, and P.R. Westerman. 2006. Seasonal patterns in post-dispersal seed predation of Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria faberi in three cropping systems. Journal of Applied Ecology 43: 999-1010.
Hunt, N., J. Hill, and M. Liebman. 2017. Reducing freshwater toxicity while maintaining weed control, profits, and productivity: effects of increased crop rotation diversity and reduced herbicide usage. Environmental Science and Technology 51: 1707–1717.
Hunt, N., J. Hill, and M. Liebman. 2019. Cropping system diversity effects on nutrient discharge, soil erosion, and agronomic performance. Environmental Science and Technology.
Hunt, N., M. Liebman, S. Thakar, and J. Hill. 2020. Fossil energy use, climate change impacts, and air quality-related human health damages of conventional and diversified cropping systems in Iowa, USA. Environmental Science and Technology.
Jordan, N.R., and A.S. Davis. 2015. Middle-way strategies for sustainable intensification of agriculture. Bioscience 65: 513-519.
King, A.E., and K.S. Hofmockel. 2017. Diversified cropping systems support greater microbial cycling and retention of carbon and nitrogen. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 240: 66-67.
Lazicki, P., M. Liebman, and M. Wander. 2016. Root parameters show how management alters resource distribution and soil quality in conventional and low-input cropping systems in central Iowa. PLOS ONE 11(10): e0164209.
Leandro, L.F.S., S. Eggenberger, C. Chen, J. Williams, G. Beattie, and M. Liebman. 2018. Cropping system diversification reduces severity and incidence of soybean sudden death syndrome caused by Fusarium virguliforme. Plant Disease 102.
Liebman, M., B. Baraibar, Y. Buckley, D. Childs, S. Christensen, R. Cousens, H. Eizenberg, S. Heijting, D. Loddo, A. Merotto Jr., M. Renton, and M. Riemens. 2016. Ecologically sustainable weed management: How do we get from proof-of-concept to adoption? Ecological Applications 26: 1352–1369.
Liebman, M., L.R. Gibson, D.N. Sundberg, A.H. Heggenstaller, P.R. Westerman, C.A. Chase, R.G. Hartzler, F.D. Menalled, A.S. Davis, and P.M. Dixon. 2008. Agronomic and economic performance characteristics of conventional and low-external-input cropping systems in the central Corn Belt. Agronomy Journal 100: 600-610.
Liebman, M., M.J. Helmers, L.A. Schulte, and C.A. Chase. 2013. Using biodiversity to link agricultural productivity with environmental quality: results from three field experiments in Iowa. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 28: 115-128.
Liebman, M., Z.J. Miller, C.L. Williams, P.R. Westerman, P.M. Dixon, A.H. Heggenstaller, A.S. Davis, F.D. Menalled, and D.N. Sundberg. 2014. Fates of Setaria faberi and Abutilon theophrasti seeds in three crop rotation systems. Weed Research 54: 293–306.
Liebman, M., H.T.X. Nguyen, M.M. Woods, N.D. Hunt, and J.D. Hill. 2021. Weed seedbank diversity and sustainability indicators for simple and more diverse cropping systems. Weed Research.
Liebman, M. and L.A. Schulte. 2015. Enhancing agroecosystem performance and resilience through increased diversification of landscapes and cropping systems. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.
Nguyen, H.T.X., and M. Liebman. 2022. Impact of cropping system diversification on vegetative and reproductive characteristics of waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus). Frontiers in Agronomy 4: 811359.
Nguyen, H.T.X., and M. Liebman. 2022. Weed community composition in simple and more diverse cropping systems. Frontiers in Agronomy 4: 848548.
O’Rourke, M.E., A. Heggenstaller, M. Liebman, M.E. Rice. 2006. Post-dispersal weed seed predation by invertebrates in conventional and low-external-input crop rotation systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 116: 280-288.
O’Rourke, M.E., M. Liebman, and M.E. Rice. 2008. Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in conventional and diversified crop rotation systems. Environmental Entomology 37: 121-130.
Osterholz, W., M. Liebman, and M.J. Castellano. 2018. Can soil nitrogen dynamics explain the yield benefit of crop diversification? Field Crops Research 291: 33-42.
Osterholz, W.R., O. Rinot, M. Liebman, and M.J. Castellano. 2016. Can mineralization of soil organic matter meet maize nitrogen demand? Plant and Soil.
Osterholz, W.R., O. Rinot, A. Shaviv, R. Linker, G. Sanford, J. Strock, M. Liebman, and M. Castellano. 2017. Predicting gross nitrogen mineralization and potentially mineralizable N using soil organic matter properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal.
Poffenbarger, H., G. Artz, G. Dahlke, W. Edwards, M. Hanna, J. Russell, H. Sellers, and M. Liebman. 2017. An economic analysis of integrated crop-livestock systems in Iowa, U.S.A. Agricultural Systems 157: 51-69.
Poffenbarger, H.J., D.C. Olk, C. Cambardella, J. Kersey, M. Liebman, A. Mallarino, J. Six, and M.J. Castellano. 2020. Whole-profile soil organic matter content, composition, and stability under crop rotations differing in belowground inputs. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment.
Raza, M.H., C. Harding, M. Liebman, and L.F. Leandro. 2020. Exploring the potential of high-resolution satellite imagery for the detection of soybean sudden death syndrome. Remote Sensing 12: 1213.
Rinot, O., W. Osterholz, M.J. Castellano, R. Linker, M. Liebman, and A. Shaviv. 2018. Excitation–emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy of water extractable organic matter to predict nitrogen mineralization rates in soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal.
Tomer, M.D. and M. Liebman. 2014. Nutrients in soil water under three rotational cropping systems, Iowa, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 186: 105-114.
Wattenburger, C.J., J. Gutknecht, Q. Zhang, T. Brutnell, K. Hofmockel, and L. Halverson. 2020. The rhizosphere and cropping system, but not arbuscular mycorrhizae, affect ammonia oxidizing archaea and bacteria abundances in two agricultural soils. Applied Soil Ecology 151
Wattenburger, C.J., L.J. Halverson, and K.S. Hofmockel. 2019. Agricultural management affects root-associated microbiome recruitment over maize development. Phytobiomes Journal.
Westerman, P.R., M. Liebman, F.D. Menalled, A.H. Heggenstaller, R.G. Hartzler, and P.M. Dixon. 2005. Are many little hammers effective? Velvetleaf population dynamics in two- and four-year crop rotation systems. Weed Science 53: 382-392.
Williams, C.L., M. Liebman, P.R. Westerman, J. Borza, D. Sundberg, and B. Danielson. 2009. Over-winter predation of Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria faberi seeds in arable land. Weed Research 49: 439–447.
Others where MADE data was featured but not the focus:
Bybee-Finley, K. Ann et al. 2024. Rotational complexity increases cropping system output under poorer growing conditions. One Earth, Volume 7, Issue 9, 1638 - 1654
Bagnall, D.K. and 105 others. 2022. Carbon-sensitive pedotransfer functions for plant available water. Soil Science Society of America Journal.
Liptzkin, D. and 106 others. 2022. An evaluation of carbon indicators of soil health in long-term agricultural experiments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.
Liptzkin, D. and 106 others. 2023. An evaluation of nitrogen indicators for soil health in long-term agricultural experiments. Soil Science Journal of America 87: 868–884.
Rieke, E.L. and 106 others. 2022. Linking soil microbial community structure to potential carbon mineralization: A continental scale assessment of reduced tillage. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 168.
Rieke, E.L. and 106 others. 2022. Evaluation of aggregate stability methods for soil health. Geoderma 428: 116156.​